Matti wears this round little kalotti-hat with blue stripes. Most of you have probably realized that it resembles Finnish national flag. The others who are a bit more familiar with Finnish national art might recognize that the hat is similar to the one
Väinämöinen, the main character of Finnish folklore Kalevala, wears in some paintings. The others might know the hat from scouting activities.

These are all true but the main reason I picked this hat for Matti comes from my own childhood. My father used to wear this kind of hat every time we were travelling abroad. The farther we were, the more public places we'd visit, the more he'd wear it.
I was so ashamed. SO ashamed. How dare he reveal our nationality to other people. What if other
Finns saw us and get mad at us? What if someone would laugh at us and think that we or my father looks ridiculous? Needless to say, my father didn't care. And I think he secretly enjoyed that he made us children so embarrassed.
Matti has my father's hat and his attitude.
I love you iskä.
EDIT: I added my father's photo here because he wanted it so bad. He even wanted to do his own face-censoring.
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